1.1.5 [2016 10 12] * Soundcloud auto embedding updated * main.js: changed soundcloud in https * main.js: fixed radio autoplay support * added radio volume memory across pages * Plugin qt-extension-suite: fixed widgets archive ordering podcast 1.1.4 * qt-customizations.php added colors to form buttons * scss: _form.scss deleted checkbox and radio styles from materializecss * minified css output 1.1.3 [2016 10 02] * fixed iOS 10 issue with featured music player * updated QT Extension Suite plugin 1.1.0 1.1.2 * part-headerbuttons.php added hide-on-small-only for cart (wp_is_mobile is unreliable) * compatibility fixes for safari and iOs10 devices (ipad and iphone) 1.1.1 * functions.php:105-116 now loading google maps by default * functions.php:527 fixed query array 1.1.0 * updated plugin qt-extensions-suite to v.1.0.9 1.0.9 * updated qt-swipebox plugin to avoid swipebox on social icons 1.0.8 PLUGINS UPDATES (qt-extension-suite 1.0.8): * Plugin qt-extension-suite/customizer/kirki-configuration/configuration.php added option QT_timing_settings (radio time format 12 24) * Plugin qt-extension-suite/theme-shortcodes/gridstacks/stacks/owl/inc/gridstack-owl-row.php added category filtering * Plugin qt-extension-suite/theme-shortcodes/gridstacks/stacks/owl/inc/gridstack-owl-static.php added category filtering * qt-extension-suite/customizer/kirki-configuration/configuration.php added option QT_timing_settings (radio time format 12 24) * _gridstack-diamonds.php added archiveurl field * gridstack-diamonds.php added custom url option and code * improved translation languages pot file and textdomain infos * gridstack-podacst.php and visual-composer/_gridstack-podcast.php added term_ids field to filter podcasts by category THEME CHANGES: * template file part-schedule-day.php added time format check 1.0.6 [2016 09 13] * Added automatic theme updater 1.0.5 [2016 09 12] * IMPORTANT: PLUGIN QT EXTENSION SUITE UPDATED V.1.0.5 meta_box.php Added google maps api key in backend. * Fixed Firefox issue causing popup when changing page * Updated child theme (now loading its own styles.css) * Updated plugin QT Swipebox to support new Vimeo and Youtube URL formats * Updated QT Places plugin for the Google API Key * Updated Vsual Composer plugin (check plugins folder for this) 1.0.4 * single-artist.php fix for releases 1.0.3 [2016 08 31] * Updated plugin QT Places * Fixed bug in single artists page 1.0.2 * in single-release.php removed "!wp_is_mobile() &&" because actually the player 360 works fine in any mobile * music player update for latest wordpress version 1.0.1 * part-archiveevent.php:103 changed _podcast_date with eventdate